Saturday, March 28, 2009

DSLR OR Digital Point and Shoot with Macro Mode

Darren Rawse of Digital Photography School considers the photographers with a DSLR lucky over those who do not have a DSLR. However, he suggests photographers to explore the macro mode of compact point and shoot cameras while practicing macro photography.

Though the quality of DSLR image is much more superior than the images shot with point and shoot cameras, the images can be made presentable by keeping the macro mode on.

However, majority of professional still photographers prefer DSLR cameras. The reasons are:

  • Options to select one of various interchangeable lenses
  • DSLR cameras enable photographers to view an accurate preview
  • Larger sensors (most compact point and shoot cameras have smaller sensors)
  • DSLR sensors are almost of same size as traditional film formats
  • Modern DSLRs provide live preview
  • Wide range of lens aperture – starting from f/1.0 to f/32

However, if you haven’t got your DSLR yet, don’t get disappointed. Go through Darren’s macro photography tips for point and shoot camera users.

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