Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Art Is Created – An Overview

Arts & Culture is the characteristic of nation. All countries have their own cultural background. It’s not that the nature and type of cultural traditions of one country is always unique and that it cannot be similar with another country or nation. Basically arts and culture are highly dependent on regional and geographical features. That is why neighboring countries and states are often found to share similar type of customs and traditions.

Human civilization was first built up around rivers. The importance of water was felt at that time and that was the reason ancient men started living near rivers. The same tradition is going on till date; all major cities are located beside rivers. And rivers have made their own place in human culture. People associated directly with rivers have their own songs, poems and customs. Fishermen and boatmen are known to be closely associated with rivers. People of this group in Asian countries have their own culture which is very unique, attractive and rich.

The songs fishermen or boatmen usually compose while working. The content of these songs often reflect their lifestyle, the happiness and sadness they face in their day to day activities, nature, landscape and scenic beauty and sometimes philosophy as well.

The same thing is true for farmers, cowboys, labors, and others associated with different types of works. However, the connection of art and culture with nature is always very important. Art is nothing but doing something, traditional or new, in a different and creative way so that it amazes people. Art is nothing spontaneous outcome of emotions from the heart of the artist and it touches the innermost chord in the heart of the viewers as well.

Art has no relation with formal education. University degrees and conventional education certainly specific qualities in man, however, an artist does not require formal training to create art.

In context of photography

Similarly, to be a photographer you don’t need to attend photography courses essentially. However, a formal education on photography covering techniques, use of light, color, background, flash and training on cameras and other equipment would definitely help you master the art of photography.

Online photography tutorials, magazines, websites, forums and blogs can help you learn a lot about photography and its technical aspects. If you have the hunger for more inside you, find a trainer or start surfing the web for more information.

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