Sunday, May 10, 2009

5 Out of 43 Great Macro Photographs

In December 2008, published a list of 43 creative macro photographs. They not only listed 43 great photographs, but encouraged photographers to post comment about other great pictures online.

Here is a list of 5 randomly chosen pictures from the entire batch.

All the images are copyright of their respective owners and creators. Visit for the main source of the pics.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Your Photos in The Sunday Telegraph!

The Sunday Telegraph has started monthly photography competition. You can submit your photographs each month – the theme of the month will be announced in advance.

The first round of photograph collecting ends on June 10, 2009 and the winner will be announced on June 14, 2009. The photograph submitted by the winner and 10 other commended photographs will published in The Sunday Telegraph.

Opening theme is: Wildlife – so get ready to participate. You can read the terms and conditions of the competition here.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Top 5 Macho Photographs on Flickr

I searched for macro photography and top 5 listings were really interesting! No spiders, no flowers, no tiles – but color pencils and chocolate. I appreciate the photographers; view; they have indeed presented familiar things in an unfamiliar way.

Color pencils are chose and placed nicely so that they look great when photographed. And who doesn’t like chocolate? I am sure everybody is going to love these macros. Take a look.

Click to see this Photo on flickr.

Click to see this Photo on flickr.

Click to see this Photo on flickr.

Click to see this Photo on flickr.

Click to see this Photo on flickr.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Top 5 Portrait Photography Listings

Top 5 Portrait Photography listings on Google image – 3 out of 5 are black and white. Do you love black and white photographs?

Image Courtesy:,,, &

Friday, May 1, 2009

Macro Lens Ranges – Which One Is Right for You?

Macro lenses are available with different ranges; let’s see which one is to be used and when:

50 – 60mm: Suitable for small object and product photography
90 – 105mm: Used while photographing flowers, insects and similar small objects.
150 – 200mm: These lenses offer more working distance – hence can be used while photographing small animals or insects from which safe distance is to be maintained

Lens is of great importance in macro photography. One needs to use lenses specifically designed for macros. Long barrel helps in close focusing. Macro lenses are set to provide 1:1 magnification.

However, Canon MP-E 65 mm f/2.8 offers magnification up to 5:1 allowing photographers frame small objects such as eyes of the insects, snowflakes etc.