Friday, May 1, 2009

Macro Lens Ranges – Which One Is Right for You?

Macro lenses are available with different ranges; let’s see which one is to be used and when:

50 – 60mm: Suitable for small object and product photography
90 – 105mm: Used while photographing flowers, insects and similar small objects.
150 – 200mm: These lenses offer more working distance – hence can be used while photographing small animals or insects from which safe distance is to be maintained

Lens is of great importance in macro photography. One needs to use lenses specifically designed for macros. Long barrel helps in close focusing. Macro lenses are set to provide 1:1 magnification.

However, Canon MP-E 65 mm f/2.8 offers magnification up to 5:1 allowing photographers frame small objects such as eyes of the insects, snowflakes etc.

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